This new training location will feature some truly awesome concepts.
Trainings held will be a new push for the locals who do not have any decorative concrete training to speak of. Nationals are very hungry for this training and Vertical Artisans will lead the way.
Classes held over a period of time:
Flat Stamping
Cement overlays
Epoxy Overlays
Vertical Stamping
One Day Walls
Vertical Carving (Stonefacing)
Positive Carving (Natural rock)
and more.
Details are forth coming...
I will be traveling down there to set up the system and scout for nice hotels and group rates. This class will largely be held for locals and is open to main landers as well.
kim brandell
Richard, I am happy tro hear you may get involved. I love your work. I am sure I could learn alot from you. I am a metal sculptor for 40 years. Perhaps we could colaborate on something. Check out my web page Hope to see you there. Kim
May 17, 2013
Gabe Polanik
May 17, 2013
Nolan Scheid
Hello Nathan,
It is great to see the international expansion of VA! Congratulations.
I am getting my passport ready for the adventure.
May 22, 2013