Thank you very much. My suggestion to you would be write down every little technique you learn from others and the ones you discover yourself. Make sure to include a detailed description of how to achieve the look for each technique. It's the little details that make your work come alive. I've been doing this for a year now and I can tell you that your work will improve very fast. Watch the videos and don't be affraid to experiment. You should purchase the additional videos by Mike Vernelson on the artisans channel. The information in those videos will go a very long way to improving your abilities.
Thank you so much scott. Seems its all ive been doing, but im starting to get the hang of it. The rock was my first. Im hoping to get more practice on some of those also. thanks again.
Scott- I know you are probably a busy man, but if you have any desire or free time I would love to collaborate with you on some design ideas for my showroom. It's a blank canvas waiting to be carved up! I want us artisans to show everyone in Florida how amazing and unlimited the options are with our craft. My shop is located near the Naples Airport. I got the keys to it last week and all I am doing is giving it a nice scrub down, then it'll be ready to build whatever we want. Sound fun? Get back ASAP. Thanks. Brian
Scott, I was just looking at your stuff. Man I am blown away with you talent dude. Very cool stuff, love all the pirate stuff as well AURRRR. The Tiki looks great, very traditional, something I am going to try soon. I have been influenced buy a few artist friends of mine and never really did to much of the traditional tiki carvings. You Got Talent Dog, Very nice stuff and most of all unique and original. Got company coming over right now, but would love to talk more about some of your work. Have a great evening, by the way were are you at? I am in Melbourne
I have all the material but I have' nt had a chance yet . I work 4/10's and then on Fri. I volunteer/work at our church . We're building a new sanctuary and we're in the foundation phase of the project. But thanks for asking I promise I will get some pics up soon ! Looks like I am gonna have to start burning a little midnight oil !! LOL :)
Hey Scott, Home show went well. We picked up some business and now that the weather is better we should start to see more from it. At this point the website is just a tool. This type of work is not mainstream yet so not a lot of people know about it. It will be a process but I'm looking forward to it. Facebook is also great. you should put a company profile on their as well, it helps drive traffic to the website. Generally I get 5-10 people on my site daily. Not bad for our first year I guess. If Florida has Kijiji, check out It's a great place to post an add. I've had a number of call backs. I'll help with anything I can. By the way you have some really cool work. Very original!
Thank's Scott for the positive feedback. I'm very much looking forward to working on the pool again. We've had a very cold ,wet spring so far.And that's not just an excuse.I really love this work. Andy
I did not use it yet, this piece has been done for a week or so. I have a little pole in the garage ready to go, I am going to get some sand this morning and try it though. I will let you know in the next day or so. What do you use for slower set? What are you working on? AUURRRR Im sure It is Bad Azz
Scott That sounds insane Man, best of luck with it. Yea the reason I wanted to learn this stuff is so I can decorate my pizza oven with it. I just built the oven this spring and we love it, there is a great site for that called Faruno Bravo. They give you the planes for free and the forum is awesome, very helpful and friendly.Good Luck with that and I can not wait to see your progress. Talk soon GD
As for the slow set, it really helps when I am doing the tiki face. I am hoping the new store will carry all the good stuff as well. Heck I can get specco for around $15 bucks a bag buy the multiple pallets but as you say the shipping sucks. If the new store sells it and the price is fair you can believe I will be making the road trip over and getting pallets form them. Have not tried tru pack yet but will in the near future. I am in the beginners stage and need to compare my crap with the real thing to see what it is really like. Thanks again got get the boat in the water today, the spring Dolphin run has hit our shores and I am going out to get me some. L8ts Bud
I'm just scramblin' like crazy trying to see if I can actually complete a vertical project in time for the big launch. I'm almost afraid to ask what you've been up to, with the mad skills you possess!
DOG, I used the mix recipe today and HeLLZZ Yea bra
I added a couple little things but man That is sticky, Loved it
I will do the next part tomalley and try and finish it sunday or monday, Keep you posted
I owe you one, when you get your brick oven let me know, Me and my Winch have been working on a pizza dough recipe for 6 plus months, She has it nailed. It is yours when you want it. I will through in the yeast culture from a 200 year old bakery in Napoli Italy.. If you take care of it it will last for life!!
Took The texture very well and carved out nice, The way I mixed it was a bit grainy but I did not use the par-alight. I used a pre mixed vermiculight product and stucco sand. Loved how sticky it was and made it a bit creamy as well. Just nice to know it is going to stay were I put it, hope this tiki is cool. Think I have a good flow going, My winch is screaming for me to come eat Dinner gata roll.
It's going, buddy. I've spent these past weeks gathering all I need to do countertops, carving and making my own sink molds. As you can see, I got a practice wall up and had my first day of carving since my 'hands on project.' Man, was it a blast! Tomorrow and the rest of the week I will be making my first custom sink mold and hopefully countertop as well. All I am doing now is practicing to build the confidence/experience I need to make my showroom top notch. I might have some funds allocated to building something in the showroom next month. That would be real nice. Next time you come down we need something cool to do. Perhaps a pillar. Thanks for the comments.
Christian Maucieri
Thank you very much. My suggestion to you would be write down every little technique you learn from others and the ones you discover yourself. Make sure to include a detailed description of how to achieve the look for each technique. It's the little details that make your work come alive. I've been doing this for a year now and I can tell you that your work will improve very fast. Watch the videos and don't be affraid to experiment. You should purchase the additional videos by Mike Vernelson on the artisans channel. The information in those videos will go a very long way to improving your abilities.
Mar 10, 2011
Christian Maucieri
No problem at all.
Mar 11, 2011
Andy Presland
Mar 24, 2011
jeff kirt/ kirtbag Carving mix
Apr 23, 2011
Nathan Giffin Vertical Artisans
Apr 23, 2011
David Driggs
Apr 24, 2011
Andy Presland
Apr 25, 2011
Alex Arellano
Apr 25, 2011
Richard Batey
Apr 26, 2011
Brian Bobik
Apr 27, 2011
David Driggs
Apr 27, 2011
Alex Arellano
you have multiple.
Apr 29, 2011
Alex Arellano
one unique one. Keeps you from getting bored.
Apr 29, 2011
Greg Davis
Scott, I was just looking at your stuff. Man I am blown away with you talent dude. Very cool stuff, love all the pirate stuff as well AURRRR. The Tiki looks great, very traditional, something I am going to try soon. I have been influenced buy a few artist friends of mine and never really did to much of the traditional tiki carvings. You Got Talent Dog, Very nice stuff and most of all unique and original. Got company coming over right now, but would love to talk more about some of your work. Have a great evening, by the way were are you at? I am in Melbourne
Apr 30, 2011
Ryan W.Rall
hey Scott !!,
I have all the material but I have' nt had a chance yet . I work 4/10's and then on Fri. I volunteer/work at our church . We're building a new sanctuary and we're in the foundation phase of the project. But thanks for asking I promise I will get some pics up soon ! Looks like I am gonna have to start burning a little midnight oil !! LOL :)
May 1, 2011
Brian Bobik
May 3, 2011
Christian Maucieri
May 5, 2011
Andy Presland
Thank's Scott for the positive feedback. I'm very much looking forward to working on the pool again. We've had a very cold ,wet spring so far.And that's not just an excuse.I really love this work. Andy
May 5, 2011
Greg Davis
I did not use it yet, this piece has been done for a week or so. I have a little pole in the garage ready to go, I am going to get some sand this morning and try it though. I will let you know in the next day or so. What do you use for slower set? What are you working on? AUURRRR Im sure It is Bad Azz
May 12, 2011
Greg Davis
May 12, 2011
Greg Davis
May 12, 2011
David Driggs
May 12, 2011
Greg Davis
DOG, I used the mix recipe today and HeLLZZ Yea bra
I added a couple little things but man That is sticky, Loved it
I will do the next part tomalley and try and finish it sunday or monday, Keep you posted
I owe you one, when you get your brick oven let me know, Me and my Winch have been working on a pizza dough recipe for 6 plus months, She has it nailed. It is yours when you want it. I will through in the yeast culture from a 200 year old bakery in Napoli Italy.. If you take care of it it will last for life!!
Thanks agin Scott
May 13, 2011
Greg Davis
Took The texture very well and carved out nice, The way I mixed it was a bit grainy but I did not use the par-alight. I used a pre mixed vermiculight product and stucco sand. Loved how sticky it was and made it a bit creamy as well. Just nice to know it is going to stay were I put it, hope this tiki is cool. Think I have a good flow going, My winch is screaming for me to come eat Dinner gata roll.
L8ts Bruda
Talk soon
May 13, 2011
Nathan Giffin Vertical Artisans
May 16, 2011
Brian Bobik
It's going, buddy. I've spent these past weeks gathering all I need to do countertops, carving and making my own sink molds. As you can see, I got a practice wall up and had my first day of carving since my 'hands on project.' Man, was it a blast! Tomorrow and the rest of the week I will be making my first custom sink mold and hopefully countertop as well. All I am doing now is practicing to build the confidence/experience I need to make my showroom top notch. I might have some funds allocated to building something in the showroom next month. That would be real nice. Next time you come down we need something cool to do. Perhaps a pillar. Thanks for the comments.
May 16, 2011