In ani part of Mexico and the United States... My job rocks, tablarroca, oxidized,and decorated floors. Waterfalls and fountains and with vertical decoration desings, as stones type laja, of castle, volcanic,subject figures and any desing or idea that arises Architectura...
What is your email or phone number so you can be contacted?
My number cell. is 274 112 21 45. end 271 138 14 64.
NEXTEL.. 62+ 11+ 16968
It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is kADIR OZAVCI a citizen of Ghana. I have a business transaction i would like to share with you as soon as possible. It is highly confidential and needs urgent attention. Kindly contact me via my personal email address (
Thank you for your understanding as i wait to hear from you.
scott dobert
Sep 13, 2011
kadir ozavci
It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is kADIR OZAVCI a citizen of Ghana. I have a business transaction i would like to share with you as soon as possible. It is highly confidential and needs urgent attention. Kindly contact me via my personal email address (
Thank you for your understanding as i wait to hear from you.
Kadir Ozavci..
Nov 22, 2016