dile ha lia que no encontre tarjetas para llamar . pero yo la llamare en la semana.oye y tira fotos que tu no sabes todos los trabajos que ha mi me salen del internet ademas si estas con un cliente le encenas las fotos .en internet ..
otra cosa es ; mandale fotos ha los hoteles de babaro y diles que eres nuevo alla ademas diles que tienes buenos precios . y tuveras que algo te sale de ahi....acuerdate que casi antes de irme de alla ya tenia una pila de clientes ..pero los hise disparandole ha todo el mundo ...porque mientas mas cosas hagas mas clientes te salen .. haslo haunque los des varatos es solo para que te conoscan...
Hope all is well. I haven't been on the site as regular so I thought I would drop you a line. Still exploring concrete and trying to determine how deep I want to go with it. I am self teaching and have such a long way to go, especially in comparison to the beautiful work that is posted on this Forum. Talk to you soon.
victor arias
Feb 22, 2009
victor arias
Feb 22, 2009
Hope all is well. I haven't been on the site as regular so I thought I would drop you a line. Still exploring concrete and trying to determine how deep I want to go with it. I am self teaching and have such a long way to go, especially in comparison to the beautiful work that is posted on this Forum. Talk to you soon.
Mar 25, 2009