Dion here, I am wanting to know where all those attending the class are staying? I was talking with Nolan today and he mentioned that there were a couple people staying on site in a camp trailer or tent. I know there are going to be a lot of great times and knowledge exchanged, that will not be…
So Nathan I have paid for the Training in oregon, Do I need to do anything else or do I just Show up?Corey
It is also important to realize the big picture with all of this....when we are finished this underground home will be a big ordeal as all the participating manufactures, artists and students that work on this will descend upon the small town of Lorane to do an entire makeover on a underground…
Full Combo Class: $1400 Valued ($2,185.00)Includes:Mike Vernelson Positive Carving Organic ClassNathan Giffins Positive Carving Structural ClassNathan & Mike One Day Walls Class on Monday the 1st(1)years subscription to Vertical ArtisnasAccess to the VDO footageMike Vernelsons Positive Carving…
Location:80306 Old Lorane Highway. Lorane OregonSept 26th WednesdayPrep for Mike Vernelsons ClassSept 27th ThursdayMike arrives and we begin prep for the Structure - Bending - Forming - Hard CoatingSept 28th FridayPositive Carving --- First Day of the ClassLichensRoots ( as time permits )Sept 29th…
This class will be a three day class that will start Sept 27th - 29thDue to prior agreements and jobs on the board for Mike ... we need to confirm those of you who want to take advantage of this rare opportunity to learn form a master craftsman.We must have confirmation of your seat before Aug…
In the next couple of days I will post up hotel, bed & breakfast, lodging data ect. ect.The class dates will be Sept 30th - Oct 5thSept 30th - Oct 2nd are considered "prep days"Sept 30this a prep day ... if prep is all ready completed then I will start to carve other areas not covered in the…
This group is for all people interested in the training and fabrication of a underground home.