West Coast Training Center Class #2 Pre-Class WebinarJoin us for a Webinar on April 1Space is limited.Reserve your Webinar seat now at:…
Payment through Paypal:Goto Paypal Send Money to AR@VerticalArtisans.com put in the header WEST COASTFor Credit Card Payment Call me directly 708.233.9394 or 630.712.3327Because of the space we can only have about 20 New people. Returning Students will have 5 additional secured seats.I wish it…
I might add that last time many stayed in their RV's and some even camped out in tents right on the property. There is a bath room, shower and water.A few set up shop in the guest rooms in the house itself... There are many options. The Actual address of the Job site is:West Coast Training Site…
The date for our next class is April 8th - 12th5 Days of intense training with master craftsmen.Sponsors for the Second West Coast Training Center Class :Kirk Bag mixPoly Gem EpoxiesSmith PaintsWalt ToolsMortar SprayerConcrete DecorThe Class Agenda is as follows: April 6th Saturday Arrive…
This is the data for the second class featuring:
Mike Vernelson
Nathan Giffin
and several Manufactures
More Data to be announced soon!!!