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June 2012
log 4photolog 43 Likesmailbox 1photomailbox 12 LikesOverview of the concept One Day WallsAs fellow artisans have noted over the last several years, stacking mud is nothing different. We have been stacking mud in various situations in zoo's, museums, hotels, resorts, ect. for various e…DiscussionOverview of the concept One Day Walls4 LikesRead First....Ok guys... many of you have asked me over the last two years to teach this method...well, I have had the opportunity to actually do a project and have learned a lot on this method.
In the weeks to co…DiscussionRead First....12 Likesconcrete murals.wmvvideoconcrete murals.wmv4 Likes
May 2012
2012-05-04_18-52-35_275photo2012-05-04_18-52-35_2751 LikeFountainphotoFountain1 Like