IMAG1332photoIMAG13326 LikesLOSTTANKvideoLOSTTANK2 LikesБочка для другаphotoБочка для друга1 LikeIMG_2531photoIMG_25311 LikeCustomer ExpectationsReading Michael Hyatt's book 'Platform' and working on presentation. I hoped to get some feedback on customer expectations. What do your clients expect in the following situations:
when they visit…DiscussionCustomer Expectations1 LikeDSC03140photoDSC031405 LikesSatisfied client in Naples, FLphotoSatisfied client in Naples, FL3 LikesMike Vernelson Sculpting ClassGroupMike Vernelson Sculpting Class26 Likessplash kingdom 23 039photosplash kingdom 23 0393 LikesIMG_0268photoIMG_02683 Likesimagephotoimage3 Likes
October 2012
longleat tree 2121 034photolongleat tree 2121 0343 Likeslongleat tree 2121 038photolongleat tree 2121 0381 LikeDSC03056photoDSC030562 LikesCarved stone before color during carvingphotoCarved stone before color during carving2 LikesBrick wall projectphotoBrick wall project1 Likehab8photohab82 LikesNY-brick2photoNY-brick23 Likeswork pics 307photowork pics 3071 LikeOne Day wall 1st attemptThis was our first attempt at a one day wall scenario. Clients were very pleased and our men had a great day putting this together. Looking back, I would have charged a bit more, but overall we ar…DiscussionOne Day wall 1st attempt5 LikesIMG_20120927_140052photoIMG_20120927_1400523 Likes