Hi, sorry, I asked this in perhaps the most wrong forum two hours ago (advertising) we are about to apply Tru-Pac X treated cement (with silver charcoal powder color) to 6 columns. They are 12’ columns (48” diameter). This is over a scratch coat on mesh. Then we’re going to use the heavy bark roller (Walttools), and faux finish to look like tree bark. We’ve never done this. Couple questions arise:

  1. The top 10” were scratch coated just today. Is it okay to apply the bark coat tomorrow?
  2. We’re in a bone dry Los Angeles: how often should one wet the finish bark coat after applying? We are figuring the bark coat will be about 1” thick on average. We have enough material to have a 1.5” thick bark finish coat but our tests work out to 1” or less thick.
  3. What has been your experience in workability times with Tru- Pac X plasticizer? As per the directions, it says 4 hours working time.
  4. We plan to apply the mud from the bottom up to the columns. We have a genie lift.
  5. On the Walttools video (from this maybe) the bark coat looks very smooth. Ours it looking a bit gritty. Any ideas? Do they spray water on the roller?


Thanks for any hints!

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What was your experience with your project?... I did not see this post ... if you are a student you could have called me directly.

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