Recently I attended the Faux event in Atlantic city with some other decorative artists. The event had many concrete reps and it was nice to be at an event with everyone representing the same types of products were grouped together for easier comparison. The cream rose quickly to the top and me being a cheese lover scooped it rite up and licked the spoon. This is how I met Nathan from Vertical Artisans Forum. Nathan is a nice well informed and giving person. I have asked allot of questions on this project and of the products they sponsor on his site and Nathan gave me all the time and help needed to complete this project. After attending the show I phoned Nathan and joined Vertical Artisans. Flex-c-ment and Wayne were also extremely helpful as well. They sent me home with a fireplace mantel CD and it was very helpful and informative. Thanks Guys
The project:
I am working on a lobby in Tribecca and it had three drywall-boxed areas that look like beams. I was going to finish them to look like the Mahogany trim on the front doors, but something kept me from starting the paint on the beams and I know why now…Vertical concrete.

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