I'd like to introduce myself to the forum.

My name is Ron Fry I have been a concrete contractor in Oregon for 26 yrs.

Several years ago I was introduced to the begining of vertical applicatioins in the NW.

Exciting as it was it had limited applications , more of a stamp type "cookie cutter" look.

Our local supplier had Nathan booked in Seattle approx 2 years ago, it was probably the most significant impact in my business.

After his class we hit the ground running and haven't looked back.

We probably do in excess of 60% of our gross volume in vertical applications.

Most of the jobs I look at for stamp flatwork are now becoming intigrated with vertical carving.

This not is more for the guys or gals who may be on the fence on whether the training is worth it or not.

I booked the North West class at the end of the month for the extended training, it s worth every penny.

I will start uploading pics as soon as I get myself trained on the forum use


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Ron, great post. I agree with you, my business is the same way. Vertical is what we mainly do, but I will never stop doing the general contracting that I have always done.

Welcome to the site, you will enjoy every minute of it. There is a lot of great people on here and I am very proud to call a lot of them my friends. That's why I go to the training, to see my friends!

I look forward to meeting you in Oregon, it will be epic!!!!!!!!!

YES GREAT POST! i cant aree more the training is def well worth the price!

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