So Nathan I have paid for the Training in oregon, Do I need to do anything else or do I just Show up?


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From my experience, You need to be prepared for great training during the day. And then after the class, it is up to You. What is it you like to do? Hang out? Tell lies? Party? etc........
Make sure to bring your crochet set Dion. Perhaps you can knit a onesie.

SHOW UP and enjoy...this will be life changing.

Hello Corey!

Will you be camping onsite?

My son Nolie cut a bunch of fire wood and wife Lynnette just added smores to the shopping list.

Nathan will be sending out a note to all of the guests asking everyone to bring some thing interesting for show and tell. This was allot of fun at the ITSA conventions. It sparked amazing discussions that led to people starting projects while they were there.

Outside of the home there is still one of the hypar roof models. As that was being built some others sparked on an  idea and made a few smaller scale models of other shapes. One group ended up working through a night and had a big display sitting there in the morning. It was a hoot!

Which day will you get here?

See you soon,


The telling lies reference that I made in the earlier post is from experience. I have been at a training and WOC with Christian and trust me, he is the King of Liarland! Lol
Dion, you sound a bit defensive, nothing to be ashamed of. I'll take a polygraph to prove that you knit the cutest hat and booties

Its gonna be fun!

Haha, Corey, did you get your questions answered? Sounds like a bunch of jibberish to me.................


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