A.)  This is a view from the main bar area ( Not Shown ) guest will be able to look through the back wall window into the Area Named J

B.)   The main entranced to the Wine Cellar... There will be a speak easy door ( Oak ) and the first thing people will see will be stone facing on all the walls  the over all feel will be shadowy and darker.

C.)  Once the door is closed and the guest will acclimate to temperature and low light they will notice that the room is actually a hall way that slightly curves .  The is a combination of natural rock and stone facing though out this hall wall... a few wall sconces up high reveal the ceiling seems to get lower the deep you go down the hall way. 

D.)  This is the first chamber.  the ceiling is very low and there is more natural rock visible in this area.  There are two places where there are wine storage marked by the red dots through out the cellar. 

E.)  Upon entering the master room the entire ceiling opens up again revealing the massive natural rock and other architectural features.   The the left there is a natural rock stair step that leads to a circular dais that also has rock feature jutting through it. 

F.)  This section of wall may be wine or a nice sculpted piece of art work.

G.)  Once ascending the natural stair way the circle reveals natural rock with wine storage  in the middle. Between the granite pillars is a very heavy black chain bolt/mounted to each of the side acting as a guard. The platform stands about 30 - 35 inches of the deck and has bottle storage all the way around 12" off the ground.

H.)  Directly under the arrow slits above there is a granite top ( breathing station ) and under the granite top there is more storage.  All the floors are also sculpted rock over lay.. A very interesting class indeed.

I.)  Hidden in the back side of the granite is yet another storage area.

J.)  After ascending up several steps and passing through a natural rock archway you come to the "show area" the inter room that can be seen from the bar area.  This room has three arrow slits from floor to ceiling created in between  two natural rock formations.  The view from the bar area allow just a little bit of a view from the arrow slits to be seen.  Very intriguing but they can not quite figure it out.  The is limited  information from the out side .  When you stand in this room looking through the arrow slits one can digest the data better.

K.)  As they leave the "show area J" they begin to descend into a very cave-ish environment.  The floor steps down over a longer distance. 

L.)  After descending to the lowest points the following areas are yet more unique storage areas.

M.) Same as L

N.) Same as L

Guys this cellar is gonna be so intense I can hardly stand it.  I'll have good news later as I progress.  Stay tuned.

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Replies to This Discussion

nathan you truly have the best job in the world and these kinds of jobs are honestly what my dreams are made of!! its jobs like this that inspire me to put all my effort behind beacoming a great carver so as to possibly someday get something this cool even half this would be awesome! 

Someday you will finally learn to let your creative side show thru.......LOL

Good morning Nathan,

This looks like a great project!

I was just having a discussion about the world being wide open for Vertical Artisans. It is projects like this that could never happen with normal construction. I am so glad to be able to see creativity like this in progress.

All my best,


Looks amazing!!

Im not sure if you know Park City / Deer Valley? Im working on a proposal for a 200 ft by 80 ft rock wall / climbing wall. Its a nice resort and there thinking of installing a large wine cellor in the Mountain. I sent them your video on the Wine cellor.

Can you call me when you get a second. We need to talk.


Wow I'm in the chicagoland area. This is something I would love to see, possibly even participate and learn a thing or fifty from one of the greats... In fact I am 90 miles from Chicago down 55 and across 80.


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