The actual training will be July 31st - Aug 2nd but I will be there the entire week Monday - Friday working on the pieces.

The class will be fill with locals but your participation is welcome.


This price includes a (1) year subscription to Vertical Artisans CORE course and will add a year to their existing account or new account.

After I get back form the advanced party trip June 10th - 12th I will know what we are going to sculpt and the overall direction of the class.

This first class will be Introduction to Stone Facing / Wall Cladding, but there may be other things on the side developing.

Feel free to email me any questions.

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Sounds great. I will be there. Nathan I know someone on the Island  that has a 22 foot boat and is reasonable to get to take us out fishing, or spearfishing. All I would need to know is when to schedule him. Half day would probably work. We will talk later. Kim Brandell


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