Just landed and got to my hotel...

we start in the morning..I will have pictures tomorrow and updates to progress...

Looks like its gonna be a hot week ...in the 90's all week potential rain later on...

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A rather heavy day to say the least.....we did finish a good portion of the stone facing today... we had several areas that were a little difficult.    There are a lot of small pieces and areas that required a lot of attention...

We are about 50% done...tomorrow will be good, I will try complete the majority of the work with just a few small areas to deal with on Thursday... a day I will have to deal with this water feature that is about the biggest hack job I have ever seen.....we are really putting a band aid on a axe wound with this water feature.   But never the less we will try to improve the rock work the best we can buy adding some new stone features to it and giving it a full paint job.... I will not film the full paint job or all the rock work that will be done, there just is not enough time ...I leave on Friday noon-ish but we will give it a go anyway...

Till Tomorrow.... sorry for the no photo post up, my new camera ( Rebel T2i ) take awesome pictures but they are all 6-8 meg in size and I have to re format the ones I want in Photoshop... something I promise you subscribers will see soon...


Finish almost all the carving on the bar area.... just a small area left and we will begin the troublesome pool area...I must say it is experimental at best because we are not doing the entire pool...just a small section ...kind of a ( this is what we can do ) type of thing.... the pool was heavily sealed with a solvent base sealer.....so in addition to having only one day  there are not many valid options due to the time constraints. 

We will paint on Friday in the early morning....Thursday we will be completed with all carving...

The client is absolutely impressed with the work done so far....very happy...

Looking forward to Friday and the trip home...miss my wife kids all ready


We finished carving today and began the staining process....we are using H&C products and stains....I have never used these before so I am curious as to the out come....

We also don't have it easy as we are duplicating the cultured stone on the sides of the home.   It seems basic but it is surprising how just a little color ( few colors ) can be complex.

Tim Coyle is doing a great job, we also did a little bit of carving on the water feature.....not much ...I think we used about 7-8 bags of Tru-Pac and that was all we had...at least we thought thats all we had... at the end of the day we discovered under all the stuff we had piled in the middle of the job site ... another 3 bags... oh well...

I took the guys out for diner tonight and we all had a good time talking and sharing ideas and laughing... the restaurant was call Frogs and Monkeys but they sold no such meats.    The Onion soup was awesome.

I go home tomorrow and begin the process of uploading pics to this group.... there are some good ones....

..painting isnt quite done, here is a detail from the water feature that was worked on.


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