This door is being replaced so I had a chance to try my hand at something different. Took less than two hours to do but I just used sand and portland (No polymer)so it has some pretty narley cracks. I think that's the reason

Views: 109

Comment by scott dobert on August 8, 2011 at 3:41pm
thats actually pretty cool!! and at less than 2hrs to do WOW!!
Comment by Tru Pac/Walttools/Don on August 8, 2011 at 7:42pm
Great rustic look.  Way to go.
Comment by Russel Whitney on August 8, 2011 at 7:43pm

Ya well the time thing wasn't on purpose. I had some leftover strips of lath that I used  self taping sheetmetal screws to attach it only took a few minutes. I had a little bonding agent left over, I had to water it down just a bit to cover the area.  At this point I was at about fifteen minutes. I mixed the mud in 5 gal pale so it wasn't long to start spreading it. I used the tree stamps from Walt tools that part was easy but it started setting up much faster than I expected so it was a mad rush to try and detail it before it was too hard to work. lol  I had to use a screw driver to carve (gouge) what I couldn't get early enough.  Some of it is kinda crude.  I used some pigment at the bottom of one my containers with some water it was still kind of clayish washed it on, waited a few min took  a damp sponge and wiped the high spots. The black is actually water based rustolium, nothing I would dare use on any thing else. The whole project wasn't thought out very well and  was a mix match of left over materials. I didn't want to really spend any money to do it because its coming off regardless of what it looks like.  It's funny,  if I really cared and was getting paid it probably wouldn't look much better! lol  It was fun. 

Comment by Russel Whitney on August 8, 2011 at 7:47pm
oops forgot to say thanks for the complaments
Comment by Russel Whitney on August 8, 2011 at 7:53pm

Thanks Don,

 I bought your contractors kit it has been awesome to work with! I have made most of my own tools in the past but your products have brought me to a whole new level.

Comment by Tru Pac/Walttools/Don on August 8, 2011 at 8:38pm
That's the great thing about this craft.  Anything goes.  Try it and if it does not work, try something else, enough said.  Great story, thanks for sharing Russ.
Comment by David Driggs on September 20, 2011 at 7:06pm
Somebody"s going to be hard-pressed to find a nicer door, even with the crack! I think you should try another one, this time with some admix, maybe a handful of fibers. Great practice run.
Comment by Russel Whitney on September 21, 2011 at 9:02pm

Thanks for the complement David.  I hope to try another soon. I will take your advise  on the mix and fiber.



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