This is a non lightweight aggregate mix. You dont need it to be lightweight to hang. This is a dense very workable mix that is twice as hard as anything out there. Watch out, changing the way vertical is done. To be continued.

Views: 761

Comment by jeff kirt/ kirtbag Carving mix on June 25, 2011 at 1:19pm
thanks jody. just trying to bring more options to this awesome industry.
Comment by jeff kirt/ kirtbag Carving mix on June 25, 2011 at 3:39pm
Well, there is no magic to this. Its simple and effective. unless its made of feathers, it will not be cheap to ship. I have my thing and everyone will see it soon. Good luck with yours, the more the better. lol
Comment by jeff kirt/ kirtbag Carving mix on June 25, 2011 at 3:42pm
And whats this with adding cement to tru pak. They suggest you have to add it to the mix also. I guess they shouldve done their home work about motar mixes. A 1 to 6 cement to sand ratio cant work very well.
Comment by Jody Smith on June 25, 2011 at 4:18pm
I never had a problem with Tru Pac, it was a cost effective way to ship. I don't think we can knock the guys at Walt Tools at all on doing their homework. We have all seen their line up of tools and products, the homework is done.  I also agree that there will always be a shipping cost on a consistent Toll blended bag mix. I have mixed 2 part sand and 1 part portland and polymer and its hard to be consistent on your mix. It can be done but not like it's done with the bag mixes. That's where the price of the project goes up, but so does the results. I think it just boils down to what's best for the carver. I have seen a veteran carver, do awesome work with the inconsistent mixes, he would just adapt and make it happen. Let's not discredit the ones that have earned the credit.  Jeff I don't think your mix needs any defense, because it's not out yet but be prepared you will have critics. Just do your thing and market, market , market. Best of luck to you....
Comment by jeff kirt/ kirtbag Carving mix on June 25, 2011 at 4:50pm
Im not downing anything, or anyone. Don has great products. Your correct, its all a matter of opinion and preference. I have the right as does everyone else to form an opinion, and thats all it is. I think tru pak is a genius idea from a shipping prospective. But ive used it and it wasnt my favorite. No biggie. Im sure many other people love it. I know im not going to please everyone with my mix, it would be ridiculos to think that. My feelings wont be hurt if someone doesnt like it. Im sure i know two people right now that wont, maybe All i know is if everything else fails, i dont have to pay big money for overpriced bag mixes.
Comment by jeff kirt/ kirtbag Carving mix on June 25, 2011 at 4:53pm

I think im done talking about it, soon it will speak for itself.

Comment by David Driggs on July 5, 2011 at 10:28am

Hey Jeff, too bad you're done talking about this, I just got here-many days and dollars short as usual! Too bad, too, because I missed so many opportunities for wise-guy remarks. I did want to congratulate you on your new endeavor, and wish you well in taking your little piggy to market. I hope it's a huge success for you!

One comment regarding the little birdies who want everything cheap-cheap-cheap: I understand tight finances and the general concern of a penny saved... but we can only save $$ to a certain point. To illustrate: A personal trainer friend of mine used to tell people, "if you want a smaller waist, get a bigger chest." I think many are focusing on the wrong end of our craft. If we want cheaper mix, we need to get to the skill level where we can charge more for our work! I say that Nathan (and several others here) could pay $100 a bag for mix, mix it with Perrier, and still remain very profitable. Lets try and focus on the most important issue here-the ARTISAN.

Again, best wishes on that mix!

Comment by Christian Maucieri on July 5, 2011 at 1:34pm
well said David!
Comment by jeff kirt/ kirtbag Carving mix on July 5, 2011 at 2:53pm
hey dave, thanks for your well wishes. I get what you are saying. This mix im making is going to be inexpensive just because i have no delusions of getting rich off it. It is cheap also because the materials in it are cheap also. The problem with mixes that cost even 20 dollars for a 50 lb bag is the shipping. The bag then turns into 25 or more for 50 pounds which goes nowhere. I have a concrete supply house by me who bought a pallet of vertifaux and is selling them at 32 dollars a bag. How in gods name can the guy doing small water features or boulders, or stumps make a dime.  Dons tru pac is a perfect remedy for that if you like the mix. If you dont, your screwd. Im also going to package mine as an admixture to a bag you can buy at local hardware stores. Mine is going to be 22lbs or so and will be added to an 80lb bag of mortar. You will be getting 100lbs or so for 15 to 20 dollars. Anyway, i want to give everyone the option of a reasonable priced mix that will hopefully out perform most other mixes. Thats the least this industry can do to help nurture the people that at some point can be as good as nathan and thom and all these other premiere carvers without making them go broke first. The price of some of these mixes affect people not being able to practice in there garages to be able to become artisans. Im a nobody that is trying to help the other nobodies become somebody in this industry. If we want this industry to thrive, we have to allow that to happen by making things affordable and accessable to everyone.
Comment by jeff kirt/ kirtbag Carving mix on July 5, 2011 at 3:48pm
Please let me clear something up. The vertifaux im speaking of is a great mix and its not nathans fault that the suppliers that purchase it double the price. Just saying, not judgeing.


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