I found some stuff --- This is satire and just some humor ... Kirt Bag mix is a well respected bag mix.

I have been reading all the nice comments on Kirt's bag mix and have been slightly skeptical to all that I have read...I still have yet to use the stuff for myself so I got on the internet to see if I could dig up some research or some examples of my own...

I was surprised to see what I found... here are a few things...

" I used Kirt's bag mix to replace a missing tooth....and I love it...now all I have to do is stain it white"

" I was very disappointed with the neck braces that were available to me until I discovered the Kirt's bag mix...not only is my neck getting better but its the new rage."

" When I want the edge in the court room I just put on my Kirt's Bag mix custom glasses"

"  In today's economy fixing a flat can cost up to 100 USD so I was very excited about the savings when I discovered the Kirt's bag mix option. "

Well there you have it.... I am a believer.

Views: 1459

Comment by Brian Bobik on December 4, 2011 at 5:32am
I got the approvals and am ready to build. Call me.
Comment by scott dobert on December 4, 2011 at 8:32am
hey brianwhat you got cookin down there!?
Comment by Brian Bobik on December 4, 2011 at 11:10am
Plans are still marinating. Almost ready to BBQ.
Comment by jeff kirt/ kirtbag Carving mix on December 4, 2011 at 12:08pm
Again, we must try and ruin a reputation that is trying to be established. I am not harboring nor encouraging any comments made on this forum, and have taken advice on being a professional on here and yet it still is an issue. Maybe this is yrt another place I shouldnt be. Ive not commented on any of these posts purposely to not make this flooded with more posts. Sorry for this and dont want to offend anyone. I feel its just a shame that this has become an issue. I will look into different avenues of advertising so this site will be true to its original form. Thanks for all the kind words from everyone and wish the best for all of you.
Comment by Nathan Giffin Vertical Artisans on December 4, 2011 at 2:49pm
Relax. If there was problem I would have called you....but you must admit almost everyday there is a Kirt Bag mix comment, blog, pic whatever....Im glad for you .... My post is in addition to the seemingly very popular addition to the viable mix population... A little humor that's all...read the comments it should be flatering if anything.... If you really want to "read into" what I was saying I was saying I'm still waiting for you to send me a bag so I can evaluate it .... I would have no problem singing the praises of the design but again still waiting.
So I can hardly wait, I'm sure it's so awesome I can carve it while it's still in the bucket.....and anyone who has been on this site long enough knows we all have respect for one another and we all have fun doing what we love.

On a side note..I would love to see your ads on other sites, magazines, and as many outlets as possible. This craft deserves the recognition and it deserves good practical mixes.
I have no doubt the Kirt bag mix will perform....but give me a break, I read about it almost every day and find it rather humors so join in, in the positive banter.
Comment by CountryBoy on December 4, 2011 at 2:56pm

Jeff  I got  another  Job " Carved Concrete  Wall "  Lets  talk , I like to  use  your Mix again.

Thak you

Comment by jeff kirt/ kirtbag Carving mix on December 4, 2011 at 3:36pm
Ok fernando thanks. Lol nathan, I get it.
Comment by John Biles on December 4, 2011 at 3:37pm

Wow, I have used Kirk bag, Vertifaux, and trupak, plus my own mixes,  all are great and have there own unique properties rather it be upside down, standing on your head, foot throwing while eating ice cream etc....lets all get along, there is enough anger in the world already, and plenty of room for new products. just my 2 cents

Comment by Nathan Giffin Vertical Artisans on December 4, 2011 at 3:48pm

same team same team

Comment by Jeff Bonick on December 5, 2011 at 12:19am

Love the pics!


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