Kirt's Bags mixture

On the average  installation using   Portland and Sand is common  , But a new generation of  polymers and  cement mixture is  given us  new opportunity  to improve on strength  and workability. 

After using kirt’s bag, I realize how much easer the job can get:

1 Very smooth to trawl and finish

2 Flexibility  and Time to work 

3 So strong  that  became  water proofing

4 Lower cost  since  you  will add  his bags  to  your existing mixture .

5 , 6, 7, 8, 9,10  I cold go on  but  I let you do the test , as I did .

Great Product , I’m another  Kirt’s happy costumer

Fernando Magal   972-880-2645


12 years  Pavement and Wall  Professional

Views: 373

Comment by Jose Luis Castro on November 5, 2012 at 4:46pm

Hi Kirt!! podrias ayudar a aclarar una duda??..quiero preguntarte sobre la bolsa de 60 o 80 libras que indicas que se debe mezclar al producto kirt bag para talla de vertical, pues eh creido que el mortar que agregamos con la mezcla convertidora kirt bag lleva integrado arena, lo cual en usa la bolsa de mortar mix cement ya tiene integrada la arena, porque en mexico City su presentacion solo es cement mortar<Mortero >al cual le agregamos arena en su proporcion requerida. o le bolsa kirt bag se mezcla solo con cemento portland sin arena??...esa es mi duda, te agradeceria si me das tu opinion al respecto...gracias y  buen dia!!

Comment by jeff kirt/ kirtbag Carving mix on November 5, 2012 at 9:33pm
Hey Jose, my mix is designed to work with the 80 pound mortar or mason mix, type s. It works best like that. You can also use 60 pound mortar mix, type n. I recommend using the 80 pound.
Comment by Jose Luis Castro on November 6, 2012 at 6:25pm

Kirt Hello! ... Could you help me to clarify a doubt? .. I want to ask you about the bag of 60 or 80 pounds that indicas that must be mixed to the Product kirt paragraph size bag of vertical, because eh believed that the mortar that we added with the ace Mixture kirt Integrated bag carries sand, which is the US stock exchange mortar cement mixing the sand has already integrated, why in Mexico City His presentation is only to which you add sand in your required proportion.

Comment by jeff kirt/ kirtbag Carving mix on November 6, 2012 at 6:52pm
My mix has no sand in it, it is just powder and certain chemicals. It can be used with a premise mortar mix or an on site mixed mortar. It must be used in addition to a mortar type mix.


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