David Driggs's Comments

Comment Wall (55 comments)

At 3:58am on August 13, 2011, concreteguru said…
Good, power point that cave is amazing.  I hope to visit  one day.  I hear it now open to the public.  Nothing like first hand experience to get a good grip on the texture and look of the cave for future reference.
At 5:18pm on September 17, 2011, scott dobert said…
david your enthusiasm is contagious was gunna say intoxicating but thats just a few beers talkin!! lol! im geatin really curious too see what you are gunna do here with this big fancy contractors tool carvin set you gust got and a pallet o kirtbag!! lots of pics my man and keep us posted!! would say good luck but from what ive seen in your countertop pics luck aint gunna have much to do with it!!
At 6:29am on September 21, 2011, Allan Philip Sutherland said…


You asked about the clay used in positive sculpting temple panels & marine invertebrates for mold-making, as well as use in scale models.  I use an inexpensive product called Klean Klay which is supplied by Art Chemical Products Inc, 

1019 Salamonie Ave, Huntington, IN 46750      (260)-356-2328

This material is far superior to any other oil-based clay.

-Allan Sutherland

At 5:09pm on October 10, 2011, Christian Maucieri said…
You need to switch to spider lath. It's a lot kinder to your fingers.
At 4:00pm on October 11, 2011, scott dobert said…
well if yah didnt bleed out or loose to many fingers i cant wait to see what you been up too !! i know im a pest! lol!
At 7:06am on October 15, 2011, David Driggs said…
Kenny-Kel Crete is great. I put it in my countertop mix and it really helps several ways. I learned about it from Warren Ness, who really does his homework on chemistry's. Richard Winget uses it in his rock scapes, too. check out www.kelcrete.com for more info. A little goes a long way, as the recommended doage is about 1 oz. per 5 gallons of mix water. I recently figured out, thanks to my boy, that it does not help in Kirt Bag. Jeff must have addressed those needs in his formula already.
At 8:13am on October 18, 2011, osiris said…

David... I truly appreciate your feedback. I will review Bryan Gauthier website. And yes, I agree that Nathan carving style is superb. I am keen to learn and develop these skills. However, I've got to start managing my time better.  I am tight on time and spending time to learn about vertical overlays is a bit risky. However, every time I visit Nathans website and look at his work, I feel inspired and I honestly can’t resist the beauty in his work. A beauty that makes you comeback every time … despite your time limitations. I really feel passionate about it. Thank you for all the encouragement and support.

At 9:30pm on October 20, 2011, Nathan Giffin Vertical Artisans gave David Driggs a gift
First Timer Award of Excellence .... a nomination by your peers and fellow artisans.
At 7:45pm on October 25, 2011, scott dobert said…

i agree you kick a$$!!! lol!


At 10:04pm on November 15, 2011, scott dobert said…

THANKS DAVID! this too is a great idea as i have been making a budget to advertise but this idea is very good sounds like a pretty good way of easing price shock on new comers to this awsome craft and help nail down some work.... thanks again david!


At 8:14pm on December 7, 2011, scott dobert said…

hey david just wonderin how its goin and whenare you gunna post finished pics of all that beautiful rock work you just did!?

At 1:00pm on December 27, 2011, scott dobert said…

hello david!! thanks for the thoughts on the sighn i have had similar thoughts on ways of doing the art work and not the whole structure. when i get home i will be doing many things including a few visits to some local sign builders and your feild trip will also be in the works along with some other plans of attack so to speak utilizing all that great info i have recieved from many of you on here!! i will be back home by tomorrow night and back to reality lol . hope to see you at the naples gig!!

have a good one


At 7:51pm on October 5, 2012, scott dobert said…

hows it goin david!?

At 6:27pm on November 17, 2012, scott dobert said…

THANKS DAVID!! it was a long job so many details i cant remember them all!!

At 11:38am on January 6, 2024, Ronald Morris said…

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Best regards,

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