Photo uploaded on July 17, 2014photoPhoto uploaded on July 17, 20141 LikeSeptember 2014 Faux RetreatphotoSeptember 2014 Faux Retreat2 Likes
June 2014
Vertical Gardening TowerphotoVertical Gardening Tower3 LikesLarge wall+cavesphotoLarge wall+caves1 LikeConcrete_00049photoConcrete_000491 Like
May 2014
rock benchphotorock bench3 Likesbench legphotobench leg2 Likes2photo21 Likeimagephotoimage0 LikesMoon Gate Success Story all ready....Well, Today I received a few messages from Chad Livingston out in Colorado Springs.
He was excited to share all that had taken place on his project.... He was unable to goto the class in Oregon, but…DiscussionMoon Gate Success Story all ready....6 LikesFireplacephotoFireplace3 Likes
April 2014
20140425_144120photo20140425_1441203 Likes20140425_144309photo20140425_1443091 LikeIMG_4256photoIMG_42563 LikesSAM_3054photoSAM_30546 LikesPhoto uploaded on April 21, 2014photoPhoto uploaded on April 21, 20141 LikePhoto uploaded on April 12, 2014photoPhoto uploaded on April 12, 20142 Likes
March 2014
Photo uploaded on March 26, 2014photoPhoto uploaded on March 26, 20142 Likesводопадphotoводопад7 Likes100_4998photo100_49982 LikesFoam & Concrete Part 1Over the Last week I was up North and had the opportunity to fabricate a monument for a business. The alternative was to use a piece of real granite about 14' high and 6' wide by 8" thick.
First o…DiscussionFoam & Concrete Part 19 Likes