(Completed) San Antonio Concrete Decor Class…Group(Completed) San Antonio Concrete Decor Class…4 Likesshelter door1aphotoshelter door1a1 Like
January 2012
IMAG0830photoIMAG08301 Likecornercolorphotocornercolor3 LikesIMG_20120118_192959 (2)photoIMG_20120118_192959 (2)1 Like2012-01-24_10-37-08_111photo2012-01-24_10-37-08_1113 Likes2012-01-24_10-36-24_268photo2012-01-24_10-36-24_2681 LikeGFRC PanelsphotoGFRC Panels1 Like6photo61 Likewall afterphotowall after1 Like859photo8592 Likes854photo8541 LikeDSC00719photoDSC007192 Likes15photo151 LikeDSC_0913photoDSC_09131 LikeSchedule For The WeekHere is the schedule for the week of training:
I will arrive on Sunday Night
Monday from 9 - 5pm prep day & carving
Tuesday from 9 - 5pm prep day & carving
Wednesday 9 - 5pm Class…DiscussionSchedule For The Week2 LikesSAM_1219photoSAM_12192 Likes588photo5881 Like
December 2011
artificial waterfallphotoartificial waterfall3 LikesPhoto uploaded on December 27, 2011photoPhoto uploaded on December 27, 20113 Likeseastside10photoeastside101 Like