Many have asked for DVD's and I can understand why however there are risks that keep us from going in that direction.

There are many out there that would pirate such data. I'm not saying our current subscribers, but there are many in other countries that look for DVDs to rip and burn them. They are set up for such ventures and would then post up data on the internet for pennies on the dollar.
So for the current I have not released any DVD's. The one thing I can tell you is that the internet is constantly getting better and better. Computer speeds are getting faster.

If you do not want delays in your viewing.....start the movie then Pause it
...the buffer will fully load and then you can watch the video uninterrupted.

DVDs are static and can not be upgraded. Online services can and we do. At present we have upgraded the site 14 times in 8 months. My main goal is to continually add value to your investment in this online resource. If you have any other suggestions please post them. I feel and believe that VA will be the largest online information source of its kind and the future for VA is bright.

Best Regards,

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