This is a open thread please take and add to this your experiences.

As a rule of thumb I am a network marketer. Most successful business people are. Building relationships is absolutely key to the long term success of your company. Most people don't realize this and they focus on the short term benefits. For example the economy that we are in right now is lean. Well I would venture to say that the companies that built long term relations ship with their clients are getting the call backs. Those in the industry that burnt bridges are paying for it now. Every client is a potential long term client. Several jobs this year alone are from former clients. They call me back and have m do some more stone facing.

A lot can be said on this issue but I want to share with you some of the marketing ideas that I use daily.

1.) Have the hand outs ready.

Business cards, post cards, fliers, brochures, even regular photos with your contact information on a sticky on the back, whatever you got have it ready.
Execute the three foot rule. If somebody gets within three feet of you they need to know what you can do. You just may hand somebody a flier or card that turns out to be the biggest contact of your life. Or perhaps they know the contact and it comes up during a party or dinner. Pass out your stuff.

2.) Use public places.

Your local library, grocery store, barber shop, golf, bowling, paint store, health club, and on and on. All of these places I have posted cards or fliers with a stick pin in the walls. Its free and people do take them. I make sure that there is a nice picture to see. They go like hot cakes. Once again local and easy. takes minutes to stop and drop your cards or fliers off. Also some restaurants have a drop your card in for a free burger or something....guess what... you just touched the owner of that establishment.

3.) Network with businesses.

Marble and stone, fire place shops, specialty shops, hobby shops, and others like this .... If people know what you do as an "artist" there re times when somebody whats something really custom. Others don't have the answers but "I want to say that there was a guy that came in here a while back ....yes ! here is his card...he might be the guy your looking for."
Custom kitchen and outdoor patio companies. Here is a big one, Sign shops. I was hired for several projects to build Monuments and entrance way signs. The signage companies make money by selling "real looking" signage. You can show them how over structural tubing you can create something that looks like it weighs 15 tons and really its less than one.

One of the things I love to do is approach masons and other builders and ask them a question.
Showing one of my photos - Can you tell me how much this would cost and do you have anyone that can fabricate this for me? most of the time they study the picture like they can't believe it. And end up inquiring about where they can get the rock and stone that's in these photos. Well guess what ... this is your lucky day because I know the guy personally. You may also be surprised at the price they think it would cost to pull it off. Even the most experienced custom home builders ( 1 - 12 million dollar range ) these guys are great because they have seen just about everything under the sun but when they see this work they are stumped at how to do it. That leaves you an opening to offer your services. They are even more impressed when a woman is talking.

4.) Public Places #2.

If you can do a public place even if it means you do it for free or cost. Most of the places I work at are in somebodies house and public places are so much more convenient to show you work. Paint stores, retailers, or other like types are always looking to improve there decor. Case in point that wine store I did in the P2 data. I charged her $2,500.00 That was a steal. But I just was granted 100 requests a month because people inquire. That one store is generating leads for future wine cellars all over that area. Another advantage to public places is the acceptance of the piece. When it is in the public and looks good its excepted. I like talking to prospects and walking over to a wall I sculpted and say as a matter of fact....Well I could make you something like this wall and maybe even better.....really, well that would be something because this wall looks fantastic. Then I tell them that I sculpted that wall. Then they really get the big picture. Public places are great because nobody knows who did it until you reveal your identity.

5.) Hair salons.

Build a relationship with a nice salon owner. even do something for free if needs be but make it spectacular. Woman talk, that's right girls, when you see something incredible you share and that is powerful. Generating a buzz will generate hits on your site or call on your phone.

6.) Out side in your front yard.

I can't tell you how many people have stopped by over the years as I work out in my front yard. Cops, neighbors, contractors and all of them get my fliers and cards. I also ask then to tell others about me. I would venture to say that if you would go out and just take your time doing your mail box you would get 10 people interested. You just may do a business doing mail boxes. Can wait to see the photos on that one :)

7.) Throw a party.

After your done with a project, throw a party. Really, think about it. You just finished a fire place, basement, kitchen, or a wine cellar or something. How much money would it take for you to throw a great party.
Catered food ...................$250.00
Even hire a musician.......$250.00
Factor the after party before you sell the job. Tehn tell the client half way through the project that you want to throw a party. "ON ME!"
Give or take a few hundred and you tell the client to invite freinds and family.
Make it a party and show off the art work....It works and I know it. Parties generate leads and people talk to other people.

8.) Media Power

Ask your client, if there up for it, to call local papers, and brag at the new artist in town. You'll have the number ready of course and you just might land a local head liner.

9.) Home shows

This one is tricky because most of the time people are are just wanting to be entertained. However if you set up a board and start to work YOU WILL DRAW A CROWD no doubt. Dont talk much but leave your business cards out so people can take them. They will be entertained and be thinking of places that they might want it in they homes. Make sure they see FREE ESTIMATES on your promotionals. I did that once and WGN tv channel (9) interviewed me right on the spot I got 60 seconds on the largetst Chicago tv station in the area.

10.) Signage

Talk to your local sign makers. You should be able to get 100 signs that you put in your yard with two metal pins for under $1000.00 Ask friends and family to put your signs up in their yards. For a week or two. Most cities will allow signage on the weekends as long as you pull the sign late Sunday or early Monday. If your on a project now put your sign in the front yard. Most neihbors are curious as to what is going on and they will goto the net, call or inquire.

If you have some more practical ways to market your business email me and I will add them to this list.

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