Hello Artists,

I am slammed with data to post up for you...so here is the first part.


Scratch Coat --- This video is posted under its own heading and is a must see for everyone one and all. I can't express the importance of this step. The scratch coat will make or break a project. If you scratch coat the entire project incorrectly you will be faced with two options. First just deal with it...which will no doubt cause you some grief and the second is to re scratch coat.

The later is the better in my opinion.

Techniques for Pillars --- This video is posted under Advanced Techniques and Styles. Covering an interesting situation I had to deal with on a project recently.

Techniques for Arches --- This video is also posted under Advanced Techniques and Styles. I did use the Crete foamer on this video and gave one more important pointer on that method.

Other Information:

I was asked about sign ups for another year by a few subscribers. It is my desire to continue to deliver the best online service to you as long as you are in this field. So if your year is coming to an end don't worry. You will not have to pay full price. You will have the option to join for another year under a much less maintenance plan. I will email you on the details of that plan and who qualifies.

The http://VerticalArtisans.rbm.com Site is now stocked with several videos for sale to those who are on the fence as to whether or not to join the full access subscription. Please share this knowledge with anyone you wish. I will try this channel out to see how many "tire kickers" are truly interested.

Remember to use FIREFOX as your browser and keep it current. High Speed Internet is a MUST. These videos are lengthy and require it.

The next grouping of videos will be from the most recent class at the Chicago Institute of Fine Finishes. I have over 12 tapes to edit... Which will result in aver a dozen new videos...

Our current total now is 80 teaching videos and a whole lot more to come...That does not include the dozens of articles and news reports.

I'm hoping to have over 100 video segments before the WOC2009 Event. Once again I would appreciate your comments of support for the Consumer reports page. Please include your City, State and a web site if you have one.

The Forum continues to grow and I thank those who have been promoting it.

I encourage you to continue to build up your profiles with pictures and data as more and more interest is being generated by the public.

Promo Code ( Start ) will save you money on the sign up.

Have a great Turkey Day!

Best Regards,
Nathan Giffin

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I can't praise VA teaching site enough... if you have'nt joined up yet and wish to get involved with vertical stonework, do so today, is a bargain for what's on offer.

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