Views: 67

Comment by Henry Johnson on May 3, 2012 at 11:35am
Great work!
Comment by Jynja on May 3, 2012 at 4:03pm

Thank you Henry

Comment by Nathan Giffin Vertical Artisans on May 4, 2012 at 9:17am

I like this one

Comment by Nelson Lasaosa on May 4, 2012 at 11:12am

Hi Jinja, definitely agree with Nathan.

Have you ever thought of taking your work more towards the formal side of art without leaving your more comercial side of business,  and by that I mean sculpture?  The pink vase with those repeated faces is on that vein. Just something to explore along your line of decorative craft. Funny,I`ve gone the opposite: from sculpture to decoration work... different folks different strokes.

Comment by Jynja on May 4, 2012 at 5:35pm

Nelson, Nathan and Henry, Thanks!

Nelson, I haven't sold much of anything as of yet.  I took a couple of years off due to economic issues, and am now just starting back up at carving.  I was asked by one of the arts organizations to participate in the Holiday Show this year.  But the price range they are looking for that sells is between $ 100 - $300.  They were interested in my mosaics and pots.  But there is no way I can do a mosaic on my scale for that price range.  So, effectively, I have been trying to carve items that I can put into that range with perhaps a few blings.

This experiment with the pots has been my journey through history thus far while practicing speed, accuracy, and finding my own twist to what I am creating.

With that, I did sign up for 4 (one day) farmers markets this summer just to get some coins back in my pocket and reduce the amount that is slowly piling up in my yard, lol!

I wish I could produce something worthy for more formal venues.  Unfortunately, Utah is a real tough market, and I am haven't been willing to romance the powers that be in order to "get there."  Most good artists in Utah sell their work outside of Utah.  It's just this year that someone recommended my work to be considered for review and possible show. 

It's a crazy world, this art thing.  On the one hand, after I create something I think is museum quality work, or at least good enough for a gallery, someone comes along and wants to buy it for $ 0.25.  So, as stated, I mainly do this stuff for me.  It's my college degree in art appreciation and history.  Someday, I might just give myself a diploma!

Comment by Jynja on May 4, 2012 at 5:37pm

Oh, btw, I am a hairdresser by trade.  All I do is work on heads all day.

Comment by Jynja on May 4, 2012 at 5:46pm

One final note.  If I had a really big wish granted me, I would be defacing the tallest chimney stack in North America with all sorts of 3 dimensional sculpture and mosaics added to an otherwise dreary gray smoke stack out by the Great Salt Lake.  Probably not in my lifetime will that wish be granted ;-(  I stare at it every day.

Comment by Stefan Tschofenig on September 5, 2012 at 7:58am

great idea 


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