nearly complete. only 10 square feet left to complete carving operation. beginning of base coats for staining. notice the retaining wall in front of the barn. that is real stone. concern here is to get the carved wall to look like it belongs with the real wall.

Views: 127

Comment by scott dobert on May 23, 2011 at 5:43am
thats awome paul!!
Comment by Paul O'Neill on May 23, 2011 at 7:03pm
yes, there is actually a full cellar underneath this barn.  the cellar has a 16'x24' walk-in cooler.  first floor is poured concrete deck 14" thick.  walls are 8" ICF block with 16" x 16" grid of 5/8" diameter rebar.  roof is purple/green mottle slate (real stone)/.  the footer is 40" wide x 12" thick and the barn first floor is on grade, so the footer is 94" below the surface, well below frost line.  Thank you for your kind compliment.
Comment by Dion Battles on May 23, 2011 at 10:17pm
This is one of the most outstanding projects I have seen in a long while. I have paid close attention to this one since I first saw the old timbers being stacked that you salvaged from the old barn. This is a piece I am sure you are very proud of! Because you should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by scott dobert on May 24, 2011 at 6:13am
FULL CELLAR!!! this thing gets better by the second!! you gunna stone face it?
Comment by EsaRi on May 24, 2011 at 1:04pm
Absolutely authentic look,  how long time you have used with this project?
Comment by Paul O'Neill on May 24, 2011 at 2:42pm
Thank you for the wonderful compliments Dion,  Scott and EsaRi.  Most appreciated.  Been about 2.5 years on this project, from site work and digging foundation.  We stone faced the stairwell going down into the basement, and we stonefaced the 18" diameter concrete support pillars in the cellar.  Lots of tapcons to attach the mesh to the concrete.  Lots of hours designing the timber frame to fit inside the concrete structure Lots of hours in building the structure.  Lots of hours carving concrete.  And lots of hours installing thousands of slates for the roof.  My own building, so I tried to use the best methods.  Carved concrete is one of those methods, of course  :).
Comment by scott dobert on May 24, 2011 at 5:49pm
whooo boy im whipped just readin that! lol!! hats off paul youre doin a great job from top too the very bottom!! it will be nice when you get to enjoy it!!
Comment by Paul O'Neill on May 24, 2011 at 8:08pm

once this building is complete, going to open market for our asian pear orchard.  taking online college course in winemaking from University of California Davis.  i'll be putting the cellar to good use.  it stays an even 60 degrees down there all year long.  it will make  a perfect mini-cave.


it's amazing what you can learn on-line.  case in point is me learnig how to carve vertical concrete from watching Nathan's videos on the Verttical Artisan subscription site.  Never ever worked with concrete before.  Nathan made it look easy.  t first it was easy.  Practiced on the stuff in the cellar.  Now I go look at that stuff, and I say to myself how really bad it looks compared to the stuff on the main level.  Like anything else, you can't beat experience.


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