I`ve manage to carve some decent  rocks for deco purposses, but time for acrylic water painting has come and find myself in trouble, lol. I do have a good painting basic background, nonetheless coloring separate rocks that are so close,  like the ones showing on main page made by Nathan seems a titanic work. Even though I`m after a few different colors and tones for the column stones, spraying neighboring ones with wrong color to then go over, and over to repaint seems a foreever lasting  job. There must be some basic technique I ignore to at least get me going. Bought a video where painting is covered but it focussed on large rocks as in formation  for a pool.  A basic few guide lines would help tons.  Any expecific video dealing with water painting issue? Any help works wonders for the self taught. Thanks guys.

Views: 226

Comment by Nathan Giffin Vertical Artisans on May 26, 2012 at 5:59pm

I stained those rocks in minutes.... all my methods are shared on the main web site.  I don't hold back.

Comment by Nelson Lasaosa on October 28, 2012 at 4:30pm
Hello Nathan and Richard.
Excuse my delay, personal matters kept me away, but I`m back to thank you and to keep enjoying this site. Thanks guys !


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