Thank you very much. My suggestion to you would be write down every little technique you learn from others and the ones you discover yourself. Make sure to include a detailed description of how to achieve the look for each technique. It's the little details that make your work come alive. I've been doing this for a year now and I can tell you that your work will improve very fast. Watch the videos and don't be affraid to experiment. You should purchase the additional videos by Mike Vernelson on the artisans channel. The information in those videos will go a very long way to improving your abilities.
Thank you so much scott. Seems its all ive been doing, but im starting to get the hang of it. The rock was my first. Im hoping to get more practice on some of those also. thanks again.
Scott- I know you are probably a busy man, but if you have any desire or free time I would love to collaborate with you on some design ideas for my showroom. It's a blank canvas waiting to be carved up! I want us artisans to show everyone in Florida how amazing and unlimited the options are with our craft. My shop is located near the Naples Airport. I got the keys to it last week and all I am doing is giving it a nice scrub down, then it'll be ready to build whatever we want. Sound fun? Get back ASAP. Thanks. Brian
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Thank you very much. My suggestion to you would be write down every little technique you learn from others and the ones you discover yourself. Make sure to include a detailed description of how to achieve the look for each technique. It's the little details that make your work come alive. I've been doing this for a year now and I can tell you that your work will improve very fast. Watch the videos and don't be affraid to experiment. You should purchase the additional videos by Mike Vernelson on the artisans channel. The information in those videos will go a very long way to improving your abilities.
No problem at all.
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