still not finish but i think it not look that bad for my first time

Views: 105

Albums: my first try ...
Location: Austria

Comment by Dion Battles on May 30, 2012 at 8:14pm
Big project for your first one! Good job.
Comment by Dale Messenger on May 31, 2012 at 8:59pm

another thing caught my eye , now keep in mind I am just giving helpful pointers ,by no means trying to be negative! this is great for first attempt, heck great for any attempt, half way up the wall right  by the waterfall- there are two rocks that look like a sideways  L - you see where I mean? Right there  the pattern starts going down stairs - it looks like steps - its hard not ot do this but something you have to be aware of theres also another little farther up about mid pool area. but for the size of the project and this being your first attempt,   YA I WOULD LET YOU PASS AND COME BACK AGAIN!!!!   just some helpful hints  once you dial this stuff in , I cant wait to see whats next

Comment by Stefan Tschofenig on May 31, 2012 at 11:51pm

Ok i think (hope) i understand what you mean. It look littlebit better if water there but yes man there are to many stairs thank you for open my eyes. I not saw it. I am still not ready over there and i hope i will make a great rock for the end of the waterfall. 


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