The following is a blog for the up and coming Class and for general information.

We will be filming segments of this class and covering various special elements.  These will be available in the future and and some of the course will be added to the CORE II course on Vertical Artisans.

The following pictures are at the  beginning stages.

This shot is of the back of the feature.  This is the far east side.what I am standing on will be poured on Thursday.   This is also the lower level of the rock wall.

This is the South wall.   The feature will follow along this wall and then terminate into yet another rock feature for the hot tub area.  The lower area will be raised up about 2 feet and will be landscaped... the rest of the retaining wall that is not covered in our natural rocks cape look will be stone faced.

This is the west side of the pool.  There will be terraced stairs leading down into "garden" area that will be landscaped with various plants.   There will also on the top of the wall leading away from the house a seat wall that will terminate into the rock feature by the hot tub.

This is on top of the wall.   This 7 foot wide pool deck will be the base for the southern side of the rock feature.

This is behind the pol water feature.   This area is designated for the pool house, then to the left is the sand volleyball area, behind that is the baseball diamond.  To the right is the out door basketball court.

Views: 596

Comment by Nathan Giffin Vertical Artisans on August 31, 2014 at 6:57am

34 of the billets arrived on friday.    We are all getting excited for the job.   We will begin the preliminary placement on this Wed. 

There have been several delays with the  pool deck but they have formed up the pool for the first inner pour.   That will happen on Tue.  Wed they will do the outer area.

Comment by Nathan Giffin Vertical Artisans on September 7, 2014 at 6:57am

We have begun to lay the foundations for the feature... I must say this entire process is very fun and I am amazed at the speed at which we are going.

Details for the class will be this week, hopeful.    Here you can see a cross section of one of the support ribs.

By weeks end we should have almost every thing cut and ready to be set and glued.

Making sure we are level at the foundation stage is important.   The Flat work guys really botched the pad but we have overcome this problem.

Comment by Nathan Giffin Vertical Artisans on September 17, 2014 at 6:29am

Things are well underway... 

the mountain is assembled.

This week we are carving out the mountain, hoping to be finished this week so we can break it down and install all the cables ( power, fog, low voltage, gas, water ext.)

I should have some pictures for you the end of this week 

also preparing for the Concrete Decor Show in Dallas Ft. Worth

Things are very busy right now...


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