I spoke to a gentleman today about some advertising. He said that there was a radio station doing a live auction for projects. I would state how much it was and what I was willing to do and they would give me that much of radio advertisement. Then they sell it for half the amount of the job. My problem is I am having trouble thinking of what would best help me advertise the vertical concrete, now remember this is all free! I will have to pay for all the material and labor for the job. Any ideas are appreciated.

 Was thinking of an outside firepit, outside grill with concrete countertops just a couple ideas i had.

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I  would  sugest that , get   your  owne stuff first  going   , a website ,  online yellow pages,   organic pages  on internet , youtube  videos of your work,   google places  with  your  information and  profile ,   reviews   of  your  clients   on  you  google pages  also   helps ,  then   work  to optimize  all this  .

Radio  , TV,  direct mail,  book   yellow pages ,  flyers,   it  can  be  very  expensevi and costly, and  is more likely   people  will save   all that  and just  troll on   garbage days  after .

Note: A Person  that  sell for you    usually  makes  3% to 15% on the  sale  if you pay   more  you looking to  be  taking  money  from your  owne poket .

Good   luck Dale


hey there dale!! im not familiar with radio adv in general butt i can tell you from experience that something people can see and touch is by far the best way i have found for selling vert. pictures are good but seeing is believing apparently because thats how i got my basement job and mostly when i build a terrarium i just build it with no customer once i get it in the pet store it might take a few but it sells. i have posted items and stuff on craigs list with pics and only had a few tire kickers.

  i guess i have a hard time seeing how radio adv will work when most people dont even know what it is that we do or the infinite capabilities.

srry if that sounds negative but i just feel you might have better luck with more visible forms of adv. with that said if its free go for it cuz you never know you just might get a great job out of it!!

good luck dale!! im rootin for yah!

Haha we just did this with our radio station. We did 500 towards an indoor outdoor counter. 500 towards a rockfeature. That way we can get larger projects hopefully

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